Life Health Youth

5 Golden Rules For A Healthy Lifestyle

“Good health is not something we can buy. However, it can be an extremely valuable savings account.”-Anne Wilson Schaef (American clinical psychologist and author)

It is almost impossible to live a happy life unless you are healthy. It is only when you face any kind of medical condition or health issue that you realize the importance of fitness and well-being. A person who is fit and healthy can live life to the fullest. Let us have a look at the five golden rules that works in a miraculous way in keeping us healthy-

1. Healthy sleep of 7-8 hours is important for your mental and physical health both. Lack of sleep can affect your mood, make you irritated and can affect your memory. It can also cause heart diseases and diabetes if an improper sleeping schedule is followed for a long time. Hence, a proper sleeping schedule, with at least 7 to 8 hours of good sleep, is essential for peak performance, productivity and a healthy life.

2. Regular exercise are essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. You do not have to work-out vigorously in a fitness center. A simple thirty minutes walk in the morning can have a lot of benefits for you. Lack of exercise can lead to uncontrolled increase in body weight, causing obesity which can lead to a number of diseases such as diabetes, coronary artery disease and more. Exercising regularly saves you from all these diseases and hence reducing the risk of dying from such causes.

3.The key to a healthy lifestyle is eating the right kind of food, which your body needs. It is said “You are what you eat”, hence, you need to plan your meals in such a way that you include all the important minerals and nutrition your body requires. Most of us, with our hectic lifestyles do not really look into what we eat. We mostly stick to fast food, which is fine sometimes, but on a daily basis, can have severe effects on your health. Eating fast food regularly can result in obesity, increase in cholesterol levels, and even increases the risk of cancer. Hence, you should stick to whole grains, fruits and vegetables.

4.Due to our work or studies, we spend most of our day leaning on a table. We often curve our spine way too much, resulting in a bad posture. A bad posture can result in numerous problems from a lack of confidence to chronic back pain. In some cases it could be so bad that it gets hard to even stand for short periods. Hence, you should set reminders to straighten your posture. In addition to reducing the risk of back aches. It will also boost your confidence you will feel more energized and would be able to breathe better.

5. Everyone today has a busy life. We are either caught up in our jobs, studies or work at our home. We never seem to be able to catch a break, because if we do we will be behind in our work. Isn’t that what we all think? However, that is not entirely true. All these continuous long hours of work throughout our lives tire our brain and body, and like every other machine, our body needs a break as well. Taking a short break every once a while helps keeping the stress levels low, helping you become much more content and productive than working while tired and stressed. People who take vacations have lower stress, less risk of heart diseases and are more energetic and motivated to achieve their goals.

Health is the biggest wealth in our life. It brings happiness and good fortune. You cannot purchase your desired happiness with money. It is difficult for you to lead a happy and peaceful life if you are not healthy. Making small changes in our daily routine results in providing us a much happier and healthier life.

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