Life Health Youth

How to Maintain Your Mental Health During Pandemic

Being mentally stable is the key to literally everything. It is our Mental health which plays a vital role at every stage of our lives, from childhood ,adulthood and through old-age. It has an impact on how we feel, think, and work. But we live in a society where physical and mental health are not at par. Rarely people talk about Mental Health openly.

Since last few months we all are stuck at home due to the Covid-19 pandemic. And it has a huge and negative impact on our mental health. As none of us is use to staying all day at home , literally doing nothing. The result is that we all have noticed an uptick in our anxiety level, stress, fear and hopelessness.

But we all are fortunate enough as there are various ways by which we can look after our mental health and help those around us.

1.Have a routine for yourself : Its very important for all of us to set a routine , it not only helps in time management but also has an impact on our mental health. This helps us to control our task which eventually bring ease and guard against incapacitating feelings. Make a daily routine to wake up early, sit and meditate. You feel lethargic the whole day if you wake up late in the morning. Early to bed, early to rise must be the motto.

2.Take a break: We all get so busy making a living that we forget to make a life. It’s very important for us to reflect upon our own thoughts and feelings. “It is okay to take a break and go off plan every now and then. Your to-do lists will still be there tomorrow!” Spend the much needed quality time with your family and friends. It may be through mobile, internet, video calling, etc. Play some indoor games, try some family movie time. (Play together, laugh together)

3.Take up a Hobby : This is the perfect time for us to experiment and explore. Either music, dance or doodling or anything else which gives you joy and happiness. A distraction can get you away from the negativity that feeds anxiety and depression.

4.Try to Connect with nature :Connecting with nature feeds our soul , it helps us to remind that we all our a part of something so much bigger , which instantly restores our sense of perspective and peace. We can always go for a walk (without our earphones) , watch a sunset & sunrise , take your yoga mat and practice outside in the open , stand barefoot on grass , arrange a small picnic at our garden with our loved ones.

5.Explore what brings you joy ,and do it : It’s very important for us to understand what are the things which gives us happiness. Try to remember all the times you said, “I wish it lasted forever or I wish I could have more time for that…”. It could be anything, drawing, painting, reading, swimming, video games or board games, cooking , baking , learning something , anything that gives you immense pleasure and joy. Take out time from your busy schedule and do it .

6.Avoid excessive gossiping : The waste of energy, time and mental health is definitely not worth it. Minimize all the waste thoughts that becomes so natural when the mind is empty or without work. The only solution for this is to engage the mind in some sort of elevated or positive thoughts or work. Pursue a hobby, choose proper books to read, learn some art, etc.

7.Make a checklist for the day. Try to finish all the pending tasks that doesn’t require to going out of home.

8.Avoid eating excessive spicy or oily food as they are not healthy for your mind and body. In this time of crisis, you must take care of your overall health as going to the doctor or hospital is not a smart option.

9.Start writing your personal diary. Paint a beautiful picture of your imagination about your life through words. You can write anything and everything as it is your personal diary.


According to WHO(World Health Organization) definition:

“Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

A person is said to good mental health if they can cope with the normal stresses of life, work productively and fruitfully, and make a contribution to their communities. Everyone should take care of their mental health rather than only for those who have a mental disorder.
Image by Natasha Spenser from Pixabay

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