Life Health Youth

Let us fight PCOS naturally!  

Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome(PCOS) cannot be treated either spontaneously or with treatment. It is a diagnosis that we have had to deal with all our lives. This may sound pessimistic, but that’s the fact, if you manage to have a balanced lifestyle with exercise and yoga, you will live with PCOS like a regular human being. The problem here is that we worry too much and assume that PCOS is a major thing by reading all the articles online. It’s not a big thing believe me, it’s just our mindset and doing nothing leads PCOS to diabetics, thyroid and obesity. If you handle your body right and low, you’re going to find the difference.

According to research, 1 in every 10 women (fertility age) suffers from PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome) which, in simple terms, could be interpreted as a lifestyle disorder due to hormonal imbalances that disturb the relationship and equilibrium between the brain and the ovaries.

This is partly due to the intake of food substances/chemicals that act as female hormones, thus confounding the brain. Good news is that it can also be handled naturally. What you need is to follow a balanced lifestyle that does not cause significant hormonal variations.

Keep your weight safe. Overweight or underweight can cause both infertility and menstrual irregularities. Around 12 percent of all cases of female infertility are due to overweight or underweight. Following a balanced diet is not only beneficial for maintaining a healthy weight, it also helps to prevent any micronutrient deficiency and decreases the risk of many diseases, including ovarian pathologies.

Don’t smoke. Tobacco smoking leads to an earlier menopause by 1–4 years on average. It reduces the efficiency and quantity of oocytes (eggs). It also raises the risk of ovary cancer.

Environmental, occupational and home radiation. Be aware of the chemicals and other contaminants you come into contact with on a regular basis. Pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals, radiation and many more chemicals can affect the health of your ovaries. Check your MSDS online or at your office for details on particular drugs.

Stop caffeine drinks: Caffeine can cause quite a few problems for women with PCOS. It raises your stress hormone levels, making it more difficult to control your blood sugar levels. It may also interrupt your sleep schedule, interfere with your mood, and increase your anxiety. Caffeine can also cause digestive irritation, as it is often combined with dairy products and sugars. Quitting coffee/caffeine can be a difficult move for a lot of people. But there are a lot of healthy alternatives, such as flavored teas, to help keep your caffeine cravings in check.

Get more sleep: There is a good reason for the doctor, the exercise experts, and the wellness coaches to insist that 6-8 hours of sleep will improve our overall health. Without enough sleep, our bodies do not have the ability to fix themselves or increase the hormone levels in the body. Women with PCOS, in particular, should have enough sleep to help reduce inflammation, reduce stress, regulate hormone levels and improve the immune system.

Relax now. Stress can affect the levels of hormones and ovarian function.

Do things that make you happy: that doesn’t mean eating things that aren’t good for your body, but starting with your hobbies and doing things that make you feel good about yourself.

Share/Talk: Talking and sharing about your problems or mood swings will help you solve this situation. Make new friends who can understand and listen to you.

A friend who shared her experience about PCOS, ” Life with PCOS is as natural as it could be. Except that you’re gaining weight and that’s not what young girls like me want. It’s, at times, depressing with people slandering you. But it doesn’t matter. In the end, you are who you are and there’s nothing else that should matter what others say.”

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