Life Health Youth

Save Your Vision : What your eyes need ?

It sometimes goes unnoticed, however one way or the other, the day-to-day things that we do impede our eye health. In order to preserve good eye health, here are some practical guidelines to follow:

Looking after your eyes when there is nothing wrong with them might feel pointless. But you will appreciate it in the long run, Beeran Meghpara, M.D., an eye surgeon at Wills Eye Hospital, tells SELF. “I see people daily in my office with eye problems that are preventable,” he says.

What your eyes need ?

1) If anything gets in, stop rubbing your eyes

Instead of rubbing it, wash it with cold water if a foreign object like dust or twig gets within your eye. Visit an eye doctor if it does not come out or causes extreme discomfort as it can scrape the cornea and lead to corneal abrasion.

2. Maintain your weight 

Even if you do not feel any signs or pain, being overweight can also affect the health of your eyes. Without removing the skin, the eyes are the only body part where bare nerves and arteries can be seen.

3. Eat Healthy 

For healthy eyes, healthy eating is important. Lutein-rich foods, a vitamin found in leafy greens such as kale, are thought to help prevent the development of AMD and cataracts, for example. It is suspected that omega-3 can help reduce the propensity to get dry eyes and retain healthy eyes into old age.

4.Daily Checkup of the Eye

Regardless of age or physical health, routine is vital.

Your eye doctor does much more than just decide your prescription for or after a thorough eye test. He or she will also check your eyes, determine how your eyes function together as a team, and measure your eyes as an indicator of your overall health.

5.Be active

In maintaining a healthy BMI that helps battle against cardiovascular disease and diabetes, regular exercise is necessary, but it is also important to keep your eyes healthy. A link between a sedentary lifestyle and an increased risk of Glaucoma has been shown by studies.

6.Be wary of harmful sun rays

Over-exposure to long-term ultraviolet (UV) light will seriously damage your eyes and is responsible for causing retinal burning and even blindness in some cases. It is understood that UV light increases the risk of AMD and cataracts. This may be a warning that your eyes are impaired if you are feeling pain from the sun’s rays.

7.Eye care at workplace 

  • Spend most of our time at work and yet this is when our eyes are most overlooked. The 2002 Health and Safety Act mandates your employer to include free eye tests if you work in front of a monitor. Your employer is also obligated to deliver these if you need glasses to read a computer screen.
  • If you are sitting in front of your PC, take daily breaks. Staring on the computer screen can cause visual damage and cause eye strain. To ease your eye muscles, you must take regular breaks and carry out some calming exercises.
  • Be sure to have proper lighting. Position your lights correctly when reading or working at the computer. Low light or bright lights could Lead to eyestrain.

8.Stop smoking

Your whole body is impaired by smoking, including the blood vessels that supply your eyes with nutrients and blood. It is not too late to boost the protection of your eyes by quitting if you are a smoker.

9.Regularly visit the eye care health professional

Checks may help recognize issues at an early point, which ensures that you can have care until any permanent harm happens to the eyes.

Numerous eye diseases, such as cataracts, glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy, are becoming the leading cause of blindness and poor vision. It is highly important to take daily care of the eyes.

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