Life Health Youth

The Invisible Threat – Electromagnetic Radiation

Human beings are electromagnetic, there is a constant current in our bodies, all cells create electromagnetic field, and they communicate between each other via electromagnetic frequencies. Each organ has its own specific bioelectrical field. In a nutshell – our body functions on bioelectricity and nothing in our body happens without electromagnetic charge.

The Sun Argument

Life on Earth is electromagnetic and as such highly susceptible to electromagnetic frequencies. And to both types: the natural and unnatural. The most typical and natural sources of electromagnetic radiation are mobile antennas emitting 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G frequencies, mobile and smart phones, Wi-Fi, smart meters, baby monitors, etc. Well – anything wireless but connected, including your Bluetooth earplugs.

And – this radiation is detrimental to the health of our environment, fauna and us, humans.

Oftentimes an argument about the natural radiation the Earth and the Sun are emitting is brought into the discussion about electromagnetic radiation saying that should we be afraid of the Sun and of the Earth then as well?

No, we should not, and here’s why: natural radiation is something we need for sustaining life, and it’s incoherent by nature, just as we are. Whereas unnatural radiation is coherent and indeed – unnatural. But the problem is – our cells do not make a difference and mingle also with the coherent frequencies which in turn cause oxidative stress and cell damage. Plus – the electromagnetic field that surrounds us today is a whooping 1015–1018 times stronger than the natural radiation field.

And the Sun by the way can help us heal/clear from the unnatural EMF damage. Know your friends!

Cumulative nature of the wireless radiation

The technology induced electromagnetic field that surrounds us is rather quiet by nature. We can’t see it, smell it, taste it, and for some time we can’t feel it (unless one is hypersensitive). It’s impact is of cumulative nature which means that for a rather long period of time, and we can be talking about even decades, one may not sense much, but all of a sudden there is the last drop and the defense mechanism of the body breaks and there’s cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, constant head-aches, pains, ultra sensitivity to gadgets and radiation (pain i.e.), skin disorders, memory loss, depression, brain fog, inability to concentrate, loss of fertility, etc.

Children are the most vulnerable

Due to smaller weight, thinner scull and higher body water content relative to body mass than adults kids absorb more radiation in the same environment than grownups. This is why kids are at bigger risk for cancer and more susceptible to the various negative impacts of EMFs. Radiation obstacles the normal development of their brain which may cause autism, attention and learning difficulties. The use of Wi-Fi at schools and nurseries is heightened risk for kids and pregnant women who work there (as it also has negative impact on fetuses).

Causes Cancer

Already in 2011, the WHO categorized radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possible carcinogens, however, multiple scientific studies after that suggest clearly that they are carcinogens. Thus far, sadly, the WHO has not yet changed the classification.

One of the easiest hacks for improving one’s health is drinking lemon water. Photo: Francesca Hotchin,
There are safety norms, but they are no good

Naturally, there are radiation norms in place to protect people but today science has proven repeatedly that those norms are inadequate and provide no protection to humans, insects, birds, animals and nature.

In 2015 190 scientists turned to the UN and pleaded for the reduction of the safety norms and for informing the general public about the dangers of the EMFs. All these scientists had published peer reviewed studies about the health/environmental impact of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields. Today the appeal has over 240 signatures.

What can be done for personal safety?

Switch from wireless to wired connection, if not possible turn Wi-Fi off whenever possible but especially for the night. Do not keep mobile devices and gadgets against your body; turn them on a flight mode for the night, when in the car, bus etc. Avoid wireless baby-monitors. Use wired keyboard and mouse for your PC, do not put the PC in your lap.

For reducing oxidative stress, drink lemon water, eat leafy greens, cabbages, onions, garlic and anything fresh, also berries i.e. Jumping, jogging would be a good idea and of course – grounding: walk on the soil/grass barefoot.

You can also include supplements and vitamins in your diet to help fight with free radicals. C vitamin is one good little helper here but also all other antioxidants.

Stay wired, stay safe!

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