Life Health Youth

Skincare Routine for a Flawless Skin

Do you have a skin care routine? Or, do you just prefer to fall asleep each night and not worry too much about what is on your skin? You may not think too much about your skin care routine, but the truth is you should. Your skin is one of the largest organs your body has, and it works hard every day to protect our bodies from harmful elements. Taking care of your skin and developing a skin care routine is important, because it can help this organ do its job better and longer. If you still are not convinced that a skin care routine is important, take a look below at reasons why your skin care routine is important and something worth paying attention and time to.

Finding a skin care routine that works for you may look like a never-ending beauty quest. With this much skin care advices on the market and multitudes of products to choose from, it can be difficult to know where to concentrate your energy.

  •  It is sugar that makes you get pimples, not spicy food. People with pimples always blame spicy food. They don’t know that spicy itself has nothing to do with their pimples, it is because spicy food is always accompanied by high oil and high salt which caused the pimples.
  • Start your day with warm water lemon and raw honey. (I would suggest not taking green tea on empty stomach… green tea works best after food.)
  • When washing your face, begin with lukewarm water and end with very cold water. The colder the better. Rubbing ice cubes on your face is also very good.
  • Get a good, ph balancing hydrating toner, a good moisturizer with quality ingredients and a very robust sunscreen. (please learn reading labels and identifying ingredients… run far far away from mineral oil.. also disguised as light liquid paraffin… silicones and steroids… a quick way to identify silicones is any ingredient name that ends in -cone, and for steroids, they will mostly end in -sone or -sterone.. but it is trickier as they can sometimes end in -sol or -lone) Though some formulations will have a little silicone for a more pleasant texture of the cream/sunscreen… but it shouldn’t be in the first 4 ingredients.
  • Get in the habit of using the products mentioned in point 3 consistently. Every single day… morning and evening. Always moisturize your skin when it is still slightly damp.
  • Give yourself positive affirmations everyday, standing in front of the mirror. It could be regarding your looks, your health, your physique or your life overall. Also, sleep well. 8–9 hours. No electronics at bed time.
  • Have a balanced diet rich with all the essential nutrients, good fats, antioxidants and minerals. Drink a lot of water, coconut water, lemon water etc. Stop drinking aerated soft drinks, packaged fruit juices, alcohol and stop smoking.
  • Get rid of most white food (except fresh coconut and fresh curd)
  • Do not touch your face often. And wash your hands before you start caring for your skin. lookout often for any new moles, suspicious new marks and visit a dermatologist if necessary.

Having clean and clear skin can help boost your confidence and keep you looking your best! Your face is the first part of you others see when they meet you, so go forward with your best face forward. A daily skin care routine can help you do exactly this. A skin care routine can help establish other healthy routines. Add a skin care routine to your other healthy living routines so you can develop better health habits all around. This can include oral care routines as well as hair and scalp routines. Do them all together so you can look and feel great!

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